Fillermatic™ auger filer

Fillermatic™ auger filer

The Fillermatic auger filler is an efficient and economical solution for the filling of various small package sizes. Depending on the material being packaged, the unit can fill 15-20 small packages a minute at an accuracy rate of 0.5-1% and is suitable for the packaging of nearly all powdered and granular materials. The through-flow of highly fluid powders is entirely eliminated in the Fillermatic packaging machine.



Fillermatic operation is based on programmable logic and positioning electronics to control the volume dosing. The programmable logic scales the desired dosage in grams as the number of dosing screw rotations, which is monitored by the extremely precise positioning electronics.

The high resolution of the pulse sensor measuring the number of rotations and the properties of the frequency converter controlling the dosing screw allow the packaging machine to fill 15-20 small packages a minute at an accuracy rate of 0.5-1%, depending on the size of the packages and powder being packaged. Rapid changes in grade have been taken into consideration in design. The dosing funnel and screw are mounted with quick-release couplings, thus making them easy to remove for washing and cleaning. In addition to this, the calibration settings can be saved in the unit memory, thus saving time when changing grades.